The History of Vehicle Locking Systems
Locks that we use in many fields of our lifes were invented by Ancient Romans. The source of “lock” comes fromanoígō/ανοίγω (unlock) Ancient Greek Word. Locks that generally are produced from iron are used for protecting from thieves crucial things such as house, car, cash box. That is why locks systems have developed day by day. Various technologies have developed to increase security level of lock systems.
The using principle of classic locks is based on keyhole protrusions. If the protrusions of correct key are suitable for the keyhole protrusions, lock is opened.
The first locks which were produced for cars in the past were similar with locks for houses. The locks using for cars were suitable both to open doors of cars and to run cars. It was produced different keys for doors of cars and car ignition becasue of the same key system made the ration of robbery high. Thus robberies were avoided somewhat with the different locks.
Mechanic locks in modern cars have been replaced by electronic locks with the development of technology. There are small chips inside of electronic locks ve these chips are designed special for a car. This avoids locking the same brand and model cars each other. Even, technological electronic locks are used not for just locking the doors. These locks are also used to unlock baggage part and fuel compartment of the car.
We live in the century that technology has developed fastly. Technological developments are effective on vehicle locks systems. The vehicle history which has started with horse-drawn vehicle has continued to develop with modern and technological vehicles. It is an important event in terms of vehicle history that mechanic lock systems has been replaced by electronic lock systems.
We, Olcay Kilit Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. is an expert firm on vehicle lock system. We are the leader firm of the lock sector. Safety of your vehicles is important for not just you, also for us. That is why, we continue our R&D activities and produce new technologies on vehicle lock system.